
Saturday, August 1, 2009


I have mentioned that we're homeschoolers, right? Yes, it has been a while since I've posted anything that we've learned. That is probably because we spent a month not doing any official school work. Not that we didn't learn anything, I mean really, how can one not learn?

Anyway, we spent the last week of so learning about butterflies. We found four awesome science books at Costco. We started with "Bugs & Insects".

The books are well written and interactive, using stickers to answer questions at various points in the book. Princess loved this.

When we started this book, I had no intention of doing anything more than reading, placing stickers and discussing what we read.

A while back, I heard the word lapbooking. I had no idea what it was. A friend showed me her lapbook, but I never did anything.

When I started reading Sherry's Living and Learning blog I began to get more curious about lapbooking. She has created some pretty awesome lapbooks with her son. One day she mentioned that there are tons of resources available on the internet. That was enough to get me hooked. I love Googling! I was ready for us to create our very first lapbook.

I decided that butterflies would be a great topic and began scouring the internet for resources. I found a ton of them! Here is what Princess and I created.

I hope you enjoyed our first lapbook. We are looking forward to making A LOT more. Isn't this the perfect way to summarize what we've learned? They make wonderful keepsakes, too.


Sherry Gann said...

Yay! I wasn't sure about lapbooks before we started them either, but now Gerrick is hooked! :) Thanks for the link love. ;)

Lisa said...

FAntastic! So did you find all of that stuff for free???

Lisa :)

Shady Lady said...

Sherry, Princess spent a good part of the day looking through her lapbook and reading every minibook. When we Skyped with LK, she showed him everything in the lapbook and told him all about it. She was so excited. Yes, I think this is going to be an excellent tool for retaining what we learn.

Lisa, YES! Well, mostly yes. Most of the stuff I found totally free. A few things I printed from Enchanted Learning which I joined for $20 for a year. They have SO much on their website that could be used for lapbooks and much, much more!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Lapbooks look cool.