I usually handle the time change so well. I love the longer days of Spring and Summer. I love knowing that warmer weather is on the horizon. I usually adjust quickly to the change. This year it kicked my ass!
Sunday wasn't so bad, but I set my alarm because I had to work that day. Monday, Princess and I slept until 9:30! We never sleep that late. The whole week has been a struggle and I wanted to get back to waking early and having some quiet time before Princess wakes up.
The shift used to be so easy...I must be getting old. After all, I'm falling in love with socks and I just turned in the neck breaking progressive lenses for a pair of trusty bifocals, lines and all. I'm gonna be looking pretty snazzy at park days this summer with my lined bifocal sunglasses. Hey, maybe they'll be all the rage. Lined bifocals, the new black (or would that be pink). I think I'm ready for my cane.
Pressed Leaf Star Garland
8 years ago
It's not just you. Ever since I had Violet, Daylight saving has been messing with my routine. I'm exhausted, but I guess I can blame the ear infection for that.
I hate the time change, both times each year. It's a huge pain to me, not so much that it screws with my sleep schedule (what sleep?) but that I hate having to change all my clocks. I do like it that we are enjoying daylight at dinnertime now, though!
The time change has been rough on us too. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You shouldn't be nervous about the dog. I'm so glad I have one. Just be prepared for the messes that go along with it. It is like having another 2 year old in the house that chews everything (especially as a pup).
Hmmmmm, lined bifocals...they a rite of passage aren't they? This spring forward has been really hard on me as well, I think it came a little earlier this year. Just wasn't quite ready for it. I love your blog, makes me laugh out loud often!
Totally kicking my ass too. Our schedule has been messed up all week and the time change didn't help.
I'm with Rachel about the daylight at dinnertime. Wednesday night when I left the farm, it was still light out! Sunshine makes my day!
I have always hated the time change. It's the one, okay two, times of the year my family is guaranteed to get sick. Messing with our sleep really seems to mess with our immune system. My 8 yo seems to feel it the worst since she often is in the midst of a growth spurt at the same time. Poor thing has been under the weather all week--just like last spring's DLS.
Twice a a year I wish I lived in Arizona which doesn't have DLS.
I have all clocks in the house changed except one which I keep at the "winter" time to remind me what time my kids' bodies think it is. That way, when they're still awake at 10pm, I can remember that they're used to falling asleep around 9pm "winter" time.
We've actually been sleeping better since the time change. Even I sleep an hour longer in the morning. And that's just odd.
As for getting old, I think I have a bad case of midlife crisis. I want to go shopping for new and crazy clothes, I am having dreams of getting a tattoo, and I want to dye my hair some funky color. I swear, it's a midlife crisis!! Yikes!
Well, it's good to know that I am not alone. I do like longer days, but here in Oregon we don't need to move the clocks ahead to do that. In the summer it's light until 10-10:30pm! If we left the clocks alone we'd still have daylight until 9:30! I say we skip it next year. And yes, changing the clocks is a pain in the ass, too. Although, I like Sarah's method.
Gina, I hope your 8yo is feeling better soon!
SMT, thanks for the dog advice!
Lisa, you TOTALLY made my day! I make you laugh out loud...woohoo! Thank you!!
Freckle, I've got some pink and blue hair dye over here. Are you up for it? As for the tattoo, I'm on board with that, too. I've been wanting to get a fourth. :)
So, we'll have a sock shopping, tattoo getting, hair dying, fancy old time? Sounds perfect.
Name the day, Freckle.
It gets me at both ends too. I hate it, HATE it!
I've mellowed in my old age and just take it all with a great, big *sigh*. *sigh*
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